Utilities Management Program for US Hotels

Hotel owners know that utilities are typically the second highest operational expense for hotels and can vary greatly throughout the year. Energy and utility rates are also heavily influenced by outside factors, such as energy market volatility, diminished energy capacity on site, weather volatility, and even political legislation. 

To help owners better manage this line item, IHG Global Procurement recently launched our utilities management program for properties in the United States and Canada. This program is designed to help owners in potentially reducing utility spend while helping to increase operational efficiency. 

As the utility industry can be a complex space, IHG has contracted with an energy industry professional, Renodis, a service provider for utility and telecom management solutions.  

Renodis has a national presence in the United States and Canada, with a client base of over 6,500 commercial clients, and over 30 years of experience in utility management. They also have experience in multiple areas of energy generation, including electric, natural gas, water, steam, and propane. 

Services Offered

The core services offered in the IHG Global Procurement utilities management program include bill management and energy procurement.

Bill Management

With bill management, hotel owners receive access to EnergyCap, an online utility portal used to access all invoices and utility data, such as costs, usage, and rates. Users will be able to upload their monthly utility bill to the portal and use that information to compare year-over-year data for each facility if they enroll in the program.  

The portal will conduct routine monthly audits of all bills to confirm that the proper rate class and charges are applied, with any deviations flagged and reported to the hotel with an outline of potential next steps. The portal also connects to IHG Green Engage™, an online environmental management system that tracks property performance to align with IHG's Journey to Tomorrow, to easily upload data. 

Energy Procurement

Energy services vary between deregulated markets, which allow customers to source their electric or natural gas utilities with a third-party supplier, and regulated markets, where all rates are governed by the respective utility the hotel is served under.  

To help evaluate opportunities to obtain better pricing, the IHG program, through Renodis, will monitor utility contracts that hotels may have in deregulated states along with available third-party suppliers to determine if there are better rates available. With this information in hand, Renodis can provide options for consideration with local providers to provide the energy you need while helping to mitigate risk in costs associated with energy markets.

Additional Services

Looking for more help managing your monthly utilities? We also offer other services, such as a one-time audit of all utility or telecom accounts to detect any potential rate class changes, refunds, or credits that may affect your account. For cities or municipalities with regulatory benchmarking, such as Energy Star,support can be provided to help submissions for these reports annually.

Learn More

Properties that have enrolled in the IHG Global Procurement utilities management program have experienced savings. You can learn more about this program and other services we offer for operating hotels by reaching out through the Contact Us form, or by emailing AskProcurement@ihg.com.

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